
May 12, 2021
Writing Great Unit Tests

We will look at 10 simple tips and tricks on writing unit tests in JavaScript

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John Doe

May 8, 2021
React Crash Course

Crash course to learn the React JavaScript library. We will look at components, hooks and more

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Jane Doe

May 7, 2021
What's New In PHP 8?

In this article we will look at some of the new features offered in version 8 of PHP

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Sara Johnson

May 7, 2021
Python Book Review

In this review, we will be looking at the new Python book from Oriley

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Mike Richards

May 5, 2021
Django Crash Course

Django is a very powerful, high level Python framework for building web applications

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Sam Smith

May 5, 2021
Tailwind vs. Bootstrap

Both Tailwind and Bootstrap are very popular CSS frameworks. In this article, we will compare them

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Jane Doe

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